вторник, 23 октября 2007 г.

For a change ...

On Tuesday, Andi with the prototypes for the DVX Bayoring past ... looked very nice! More details on Andi's blog:

Oh, and yesterday, I looked at the 30-day trial of AfterEffectsCS3 times downloaded. The whole is very rounded, and what additional functions now on offer is the madness. 1600 Euro setback cost moped or 20 minutes on dubious internet sites and some basic technical knowledge (which I unfortunately do not possession). Let's see what comes.
Today, I agree with Aaron and Sebastian something Skate Park / Street film footage for the purpose of Dolly. Then you can see what times After Effects can do. Within 30 days, you can really unlimited export without any watermarks or other Schickanen on the finished product.

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